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A Hat Trick for Inclusion

The project “A hat trick for inclusion: recognizing, preventing and contrasting hate speech for more inclusive sport”. Hate speech covers “all forms of expressions that spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance”.
The Partners organizations are:
-Svenska Ungodom League
-Asociatia Se Poate
-Eurocircle Association
-Aicem Italia https://www.aicem.it/chi-siamo/

Against this background, the project has the following objectives:
1) create, test and experiment an educational sport programme involving young people, youth leaders, educators, trainers, coaches in the sport field at grassroots level to improve their personal and professional competences to develop sport activities also contributing to raise awareness hate speech effects;
2) Favoring a new attitude among young generations playing sport at grassroots level, as a way to support the creation of an open and inclusive environment in which everyone can benefit from the effect of doing sport activities.